Conform Wiki, Gene Weingarten este “two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist known for both his serious and humorous work.[1] Weingarten’s column, Below the Beltway, is published weekly in the Washington Post Magazine”.
Aveti, aici, cel mai proaspat articol al lui Weingarten: “Open letter to Jeff Bezos”. Bezos este fondatorul Amazon si proaspatul detinator al Washington Post. Desprind din aceasta lectie de onestitate si curaj, din acest exercitiu de viata in libertate, un paragraf.
“I was telling this tale of tolerated impertinence to Howard Simons, the brilliant newspaper editor at the Washington Post, shortly before he died of cancer in 1990. He smiled and said that it embodied his most important principle as a newspaper manager: “Kick up, kiss down.”
Aggravate your bosses, but make the people below you love and respect you. Katharine Graham and Don Graham were brilliant at this — they must have given their board of directors fits, because during the great years they chose aggressive journalism over pennypinching every time — and we loved them for it.
It’s an irreplaceable advantage, loyalty drawn from affection and respect.”
and admiration, as adauga. Cunoasteti o definitie mai buna pentru un lider de succes?